Christians, The World Hates Israel And We Should Pay Attention

Luisa Rodriguez
3 min readJan 1, 2021

The UN Resolutions That Tell Us How The World Really Feels About Israel

The UN General Assembly passed or is expected to pass 17 resolutions against Israel in their 2020–2021 session compared to 6 resolutions against other countries in the rest of the world. Yes, you read that right. That is 6 resolutions total in a world that includes top human right abusers such as North Korea, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Venezuela, China, Russia, to name just a few. North Korea, for example, had just one resolution lobbied against it. Is Israel really a 17 times greater abuser of human rights than North Korea?

You can find the details on each of these resolutions at UN Watch, a non-governmental organization headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. I am not here to argue the validity of the resolutions against Israel, but I think UN Watch makes a strong case that they only tell one side of the story.

Honestly, you do not need to be an expert in world affairs to know that the numbers just do not make sense. Any individual with even just a precursory knowledge of world affairs would find it hard to believe that countries like Iran and North Korea would have only one resolution marked against them compared to Israel’s 17.

The Spiritual Reasons Why The World Hates Israel

The resolutions are largely symbolic, but it does lead one to ask, “Why does the world hate Israel so much?” I could probably put together a geopolitical paper on the subject, but I believe that the true reason is spiritual. From the day that God made a covenant with Abraham, cementing the future of Israel and eventually the Christian Church, a parallel sinister spiritual commitment was made to bring about its destruction. What God loves, Satan hates.

What Christians Should Do About It

Israel has not been free from unethical nor immoral political decisions. It was not free of it in biblical history and it certainly not free of it in recent history. And we should not turn a blind eye to it when it happens. However, as Christians, whose history is biblically tied to Israel, we do need to be aware of the injustice of this visceral hatred of Israel and its people and explore the spiritual reasons why.

This spiritual exploration will lead us to ask hard questions that we may not want to answer. What is the Christian Church’s role in supporting Israel? How should we define that support? What should we make of President Trump’s decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem? What is the spiritual significance of Jerusalem in current world affairs? What should our view be of politicians who oppose Israel? What does all of this mean in the context of end-time scenarios?

Personally, I have strong opinions to some of these questions and I am exploring the answers to others. With time, as I flush through some of those opinions and ideas, I will share them with you. However, for the time being, I wish only to implore you to step outside of Christian thought that is centered on individualism. In other words, step outside of the habit we have as Americans to focus only on Christian subjects that affect us personally and explore the interconnectedness between us and Israel. You might be surprised to find out that you have a much larger role to play in this world than you initially thought.



Luisa Rodriguez

Christian International Relations Specialist w/ an interest in Israeli geopolitics & growing Chinese influence. I like to make hard topics easy understand.